Meet Linda Morinello

You are in the right place.

This is the right time.

You have found the right healer.

I have spent years walking toward my own healing path – body, mind and spirit. Having lived through many health, physical and emotional challenges, I always believed that each was an opportunity for growth; a chance to change old belief patterns; a chance to inspire others.

As I moved through each situation, I was able to grow and help others through the wisdom of what I learned. However, in 2009 my life unexpectedly changed when I was diagnosed with cancer. While the outcome was excellent, I understood the cancer to be a catalyst for change; another chance to grow. As I moved through my cancer healing process, I took the opportunity to re-evaluate my life, my goals and my purpose. Before having cancer I had a successful and well-respected corporate career. However, I came to realize that my priorities had changed. Having spent years coaching and mentoring employees in both their business and personal lives, I understood that I was ready to make a shift. I asked myself – “If I could do anything, what would it be?”

My answer was that I truly desired helping others help themselves by using the same holistic healing approach of body, mind and spirit that I had applied throughout my life. My vision was clear!

Shortly after my cancer treatments were completed, I enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and received my certification as a Holistic Health Coach. Knowing what an impact that our emotions have on our well-being, I furthered my studies and became certified as an Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner. Continuing to search I found Reconnective Healing (energy healing) and The Reconnection. I studied under Dr. Eric Pearl and became a certified practitioner in Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection. As I continued to learn more, I became a Certifies Yoga Teacher and then added Reflexology to my complement of services. My desire to improve the level of service to my clients never ceases as I continue to study to expand and improve my knowledge and expertise. Life is a journey that continues to evolve; and so must we.

Over the years, I have worked with many clients helping them achieve their own personal transformations and healings. Additionally, my work with cancer patients both individually and as a Program Leader at Wellspring Niagara where I facilitated The Healing Journey Program and conduct nutritional and wellness workshops, has all helped me in helping you.

I currently live in the Niagara Region in Ontario. In my non-work time, I focus on my other love – cooking. I am passionate about creating healthy, wholesome meals that are in alignment with my lifestyle. Food was such a big part of my life growing up and I continue many family traditions today.

Training and Certifications

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Certified Life Coach
Certified Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner
Foundational Practitioner Reconnective Healing
Certified Practitioner for The Personal Reconnection
Certified Yoga Teacher
Gentle Yoga Teacher
Trauma Informed Yoga
Certified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction



In 2009 I started as a member of Wellspring Niagara, using the services and programs in my personal mission to heal from cancer. After I left my Corporate life and started my practice in 2011, I began facilitating programs at Wellspring Niagara for cancer patients and their caregivers. In 2015, I became a Board member as Chair of the Program Committee and then became Vice-Chair. I currently sit on the Board of Directors as Vice-Chair for Wellspring Niagara.

To book an appointment for any service, email or call

Areas Served

Niagara Falls 
St. Catharines
Fort Erie 
Port Colbourn
Niagara Region, Ontario

Online services Canada and USA