“When we are exposed to the Reconnective Healing frequencies, a connection is initiated, followed by a transformation in our DNA. This process requires neither our consent or direction. The point of engagement with the frequencies exists somewhere prior to our thoughts, prior to our thinking mind, in the before-beyond and in the background of all known experience.”

Dr. Eric Pearl

“Before my Reconnection I was feeling lost…I felt like I was failing in my career, motherhood, and as a wife. After the completion of the Reconnection, I have a renewed passion for my career. I am having fun with my children and recognizing what a good marriage I have. As a result of my Reconnection, I have gained clarity and confidence in all areas of my life. I am forever indebted to Linda for sharing her talent and wisdom with me. Meeting Linda has been an inspiration and a blessing. During our health coaching sessions, I have developed a wealth of knowledge that has led to my self-empowerment. It is an amazing feeling to have control but more amazing, is the understanding and growth that I feel and others have noticed in me. Flax, oats, brown rice are my new mantra and my favourite recipe is Sugarless Banana Oatmeal Cookies. Delicious and tasty treat that makes breakfast on the go more satisfying.”
– Jean Michele

Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection

In-person or Distance session for Healing
In-person only for The Reconnection

Reconnective Healing Session

The Reconnective Healing spectrum is comprised of the full healing and evolutionary continuum of energy, light and information. It allows for healings that are not just physical, not just mental, not just emotional… yet go beyond that to bring you healing that includes the evolution of your very being and essence! Clients begin to feel a certain level of intention like never before. Where once they may have merely had an idea, that idea picks up momentum and becomes reality; a sense of clarity and purpose come forth. Vastly different than any other “technique” ever encountered, Reconnective Healing allows you to easily experience these frequencies during your first session and they continue to work with you long after you’ve left. Following your sessions, you will be attuned to a more comprehensive and evolutionary and healing frequency than ever before. Reconnective Healing is not simply another ‘therapy’. It transcends traditional therapy and has been scientifically proven to be an effective method for healing

How to Prepare: The best way to approach a session is without expectations. Wear comfortable clothing and know that you will remain fully clothed during the session. The appointment will be 45 minutes in duration.

The environment: Silence and neutral will produce an optimal experience. No music will be played, nor will any scents be used during the session. You will be reclined on your back (pillows and blankets are provided for your comfort). There will be no physical contact as Reconnective Healing method allows the facilitator to interact with the client’s frequencies in their energy field.

During the Session: You will be invited to close your eyes to allow you to focus on the experience without distraction. The environment will be silent.

After the Session: Normal reactions include physical and/or emotional releases which happens as your energy field re-balances. You may share your experience with the facilitator and as you share you discover ways that the session has facilitated a healing for you.

Healing Session combines Reflexology and Reconnective Healing
(In-person, approximately 1.5 hours)

The Reconnection

Originally the meridian lines (also called acupuncture lines) on our bodies were connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet and cross at acknowledged power places such as Machu Picchu and Sedona. These grid lines were designed to continue out and connect us to a vastly larger grid, tying us into the entire universe.
Within our bodies resides our own set of energetic lines and points and, although only remnants of what they once were, these lines and points continue to serve as our interface with the universe. This interface is a channel that facilitates our communication of energy, light and information between large and small, macrocosm and microcosm, the universe and humankind. We became disconnected from these lines and lost the fullness of our inherent connection to the universe, distancing us from our previously rapid and expansive rate of evolution.
The Reconnection process brings in “new” axiatonal lines that reconnect us on a more powerful and evolved level than ever before. These lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body.

How to Prepare and the environment: The is completed over 2 separate sessions, with 1-2 days between, so it is important to allow your schedule the proper amount of time. Similar to a healing session, the session will be quiet and without scents. Each session will last approximately 40-45 minutes in duration so comfortable clothing is suggested.

During the Session: Each session connects specific meridian lines and points on the body to the lay lines on the earth which accesses new axiatonal lines connected to the Universe.

After the Session: A sense of oneness with Consciousness and the Universe will be felt and unravels over time. Your sense of purpose will become more clear and you will reconnect with your Divine presence and purpose.

NOTE: The Reconnection is to be completed only once in your lifetime. Once you complete the 2 sessions, you are Reconnected. You may continue with Reconnective Healing sessions whenever you

“I have been blessed to have several sessions with Linda – in person and long distance. The distance session was as powerful as any in-person session I have ever experienced. Linda’s energy is SO clean – there is no extra vibratory energy clouding what she facilitates. You get what you need in a way that is powerful and direct. I turned to Linda recently to resolve a lingering physical symptom – knowing there had to be something else behind what I was feeling with my physical senses. Shortly into the session the source and cause was readily made known and rectified. Her energy was a breath of fresh air and Light!!
– Jan B.

To book an appointment for any service, email or call

Areas Served

Niagara Falls 
St. Catharines
Fort Erie 
Port Colbourn
Niagara Region, Ontario

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